Sunday, December 9, 2007

My path

Lots have already been talked about in this blog about Greatness of mankind. Probably no longer required to underline that again...

But 1 question.... are we really great?????

We have created farms which fill our granries... but millions still starve... we have costumes which enable us to endure extremes of moon... but people die of cold of Delhi and heat of UP..... We create great sky scrappers but still Salman Khan crushes ppl sleeping on roads... We can exchange hearts but ppl still die of small diseases like fever....

We all agree uptil now... And then we say .. bad... but we need to accept reality... this is how it is supposed to be... And here I differ.... We were not supposed to fly... but we did... We were not supposed to go to ocean beds... we did... We were not supposed to go to moon,.. we did.... Then why not this....

This is what is greatness of mankind....

Now the question how.....

I have no lost love for Communism or Politicians whose speech may also feature all these.... "Aam Admi..." new name for people...

Development is more communist than communism.. Growth results in equlity of opportunity thru:
1. Creation of more and more resources to increse scale of production leading to reduction of cost per item and thus make it more accessible to people.
2. Provide opportunities of economic well being to people directly or indirectly connected with them...

Example is no more than my recent encounter with a Auto wallah... He asked me how much did it cost me for the flight from Kolkata to Bangalore.. I said 2500 bucks..... He asked me abt the flight... whether there are TVs in each seat, abt air hostesses [;)] and others...

Then he told me he wont travel in Deccan but King Fisher which costs 5000 bucks but there are TVs in each seat and gud Air Hostesses. I was amazed.... Not because a Auto wallah prefers more comfortable journey over cheap one. But by the fact that a Autowallah today has resources to access this when it cudnt have been thought about a decde ago...

This is what is really called development... Development doesnt lie in increasing GDP or improving million other statistics... But lies in how many people reach at a level where they can access all facilities or those facilities which help them living a better life.... And that doesnt come from rationing... But comes from creating a level field....

But still large dark corners lies in India and this world and that is where I need to go with the lamp... That is the path I have decide to take... To do my bit of manly thing....

Continue reading this section for more posts and feel free to comment... And dont ask me what I am doing in Infosys and in Bangalore.... U dont know what is darkness unless u know light....

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Greatness of Mankind and my dillema......

What makes mankind great.... Isnt it a question worth asking...

Most answers I get... We rule the world...Correction... We rule Lands except Arctics..... Deep forests.. mountains... marshes.. deserts..... However, even if there are some regions outside our rule but still to an extend they are acessible to us.. so are great oceans, skies and universe beyond that to an extent.....
Some more feats include... our ability to pollute environment, push even great whales and deadly carnivores to extinction...

Are these sufficient reasons of our greatness... I doubt.... Our greatness lies in the capability to beak free the constraits nature gave us... ability to communicate knowledge and then mass produce it... in our capability to create beautiful... in our capability to love beyond reproduction needs.... in our ability to dream of a better tomorrow and achieving those.... in our ability to create means to contain monstrosity of nature and then say to nature 'Come On.. Lets have another round'...


Now my dillema....

Where do I fit in grand scheme of mankind.... I dream a better tomorrow... but that tomorrow is abt my promotion or a visit abroad.... I work hrd.. but crete no new knowledge for mankind nor create something beautiful... I create a maze of 0s and 1s which are repetitive and our "Processes" make sure they have no creativity at all.

So, how am I a great creature??? I dont become great by using inventions of others... I dont become great by watching great art or listening a great music or reading a great book.... I dont become great by living in 130 ft tall building...I dont become great by working in a Great Economic System... I dont becme great by living in a great Political System... I dont become great by working on a grand software unless I design it different and something never done before or never dremt before...

Probably I belong to a new species of human being....(Homo Parasitus... One who look like humans sans the creativity and who depend on creativity of other human beings and dwell on the greatness achieved by them, things created by them, thoughts thought by them, systems made by them). And probably there are many freinds of mine co-habiting in my specie......

Friday, December 7, 2007

My purpose in life

"From Soil it came... To soil it went...." The person who said this should be hanged....

It demeans the very creativity of mankind. Man as I mentioned in my previous posts is not a collective sum of chemicals designed to look like what our eyes perceive it to be, but a entity... an entity who is not here to born, eat, grow, copulate, nurture his kids and then die, he is not a furniture in Nature's play but a participating actor....

We today have technology, science, arts, humanities which all defies nature. We fly fater than fatest bird, travel faster than fastest beast, travel moon, communicate till end of solar system, live twice the life than expectancy, etc etc... However, motive here is not to display the superiority of mankind but to ask whether this really make us(the users of all these marvels) great???????????

If we really ask ourselves, how many of us really have broken the chains of nature.... How many of us perform additional roles than what nature intended. How many of us are adding new dimensions to mankind? How many of us are striving to make next generation even more successful.... I dont see many hands up... And if we ask, you wont find many hands up in past as well... There is a huge population of CATTLE (however little more sofisticated) for each man we find....Who is man.... I will define in my later post.....

Today when I see myself, I see me in a vast herd of cattle, being rowed by few people of past and present.....

To transform from cattle to man is my purpose of life......

A small Clarification
This post is not meant to compare some people... Please dont take it hard... The motive is to state superiority of man lies in his traits and not in the fact that he/she is born in that species

Friday, March 30, 2007

My deep insights :D

I wonder hours and hours together.. What is Life? Why r we alive... ANy purpose or a purposeless combination of life giving chemicals as Scientists may prefer to tell...

If that was all not enough, then we are something that we refer as intelligent... In fact it takes intelligence to understand that we are intelligent.. Is intelligence all attributed to our unusual brain to body ratio... No purpose no responsibility...

If so, I see this as third gift infact.... but man doesnot understand anything taht was easy, so he searches purpose of life... So, do I....

I identify all people into 3 types....

1. Those who want money,fame,power, recognition, etc, etc which all die as soon as he dies
2. One who lives for his passions and interestes like artists, fighters, Scientists,Social Workers etc... They die but there ideas live much longer
3. One who is above all.. Who thinks that this Universe is closed balanced system.. So, whatever u do.. overall system remains same.. So, no point in doing anything....

Where do I stand?
Another nice question and for which I have no great answer. I salute people of type 3, inspired by people of type 2 but dont want to be seen to bad in the parameters of 1. Confused.... who said who am I is a easy question.

Look in this place for more stories about ..... who else 'ME'

Friday, March 23, 2007

Plans for my latest Initiative


Farming community in India primarily constitutes small and marginal farmers who have limited resources viz. land and 3Ms (manpower, money & material) at their disposal. Even after 60 years of Independence, farming is an unorganized sector in India. Despite Govt. grants and subsidies the sector has not been able to be self- reliant.The following approach is an attempt to make the sector self- reliant.


1. Community farming :
  • Transform smaller holdings into large tracts of farming through participation
  • Enhance collective bargain power of resources (implements, seeds & fertilizer, produce etc)
  • Have limited exposure to liability on individuals, thereby minimize debt trap

2 Community Development

a. Collective savings leading to self – sustenance in the longer run

b. Usage of IT to enhance growth


The framework’s foundation is collective participation by all land holders just like the shareholders of a public limited firm. This model will have least interference from the Govt. The major functions to be but, not limited to

  • Identifying & agreement on tracts of land for community farming
  • Shareholders/ Landholders to contribute and build common kitty to carry out collective activities on a proportionate basis. One vote per share.
  • Build pay as you use model for 3 Ms.
  • Manpower: The landless within the community will be assured of regular work. The return to be partly monetary and partly share of produce.
  • Material: Capital equipments (tractors, automated implements) can be procured through collective collaterals, if necessary. Usage of equipments will strictly be on payment by the user community. Essentially, certain portion of charge levied will be ploughed back into the common kitty to build fund.Collective bargaining: Right from negotiations on raw material cost and other enablers upto go to market stage, the farmers will have a better saying.
  • Money:Less dependency on lenders ( individuals, banks, credit society etc)
  • Limited liability on individual: Low exposure as the load is distributed
  • Risk coverage: Value proposition to insurance firms for higher risk coverage on collective produce
  • Micro credit financing: Non-farming sector resources ( residing in the area) can also be a beneficiary – creation of wealth through involvement. For eg. Bamboo works, pottery, poultry, dairy farming etc.

Where IT can play a role

  • Improving farmer knowledge about Offers by various parties so that unscrupulous middle men who pocket most of the benefits can be done away with.
  • Improving access to correct and reliable information about Agricultural Best Practices.
  • Developing a Mechanism where a Farmer can transact Online throughout the Farming Cycle starting from purchase of equipment, seeds etc to sale of agricultural product.