Saturday, December 8, 2007

Greatness of Mankind and my dillema......

What makes mankind great.... Isnt it a question worth asking...

Most answers I get... We rule the world...Correction... We rule Lands except Arctics..... Deep forests.. mountains... marshes.. deserts..... However, even if there are some regions outside our rule but still to an extend they are acessible to us.. so are great oceans, skies and universe beyond that to an extent.....
Some more feats include... our ability to pollute environment, push even great whales and deadly carnivores to extinction...

Are these sufficient reasons of our greatness... I doubt.... Our greatness lies in the capability to beak free the constraits nature gave us... ability to communicate knowledge and then mass produce it... in our capability to create beautiful... in our capability to love beyond reproduction needs.... in our ability to dream of a better tomorrow and achieving those.... in our ability to create means to contain monstrosity of nature and then say to nature 'Come On.. Lets have another round'...


Now my dillema....

Where do I fit in grand scheme of mankind.... I dream a better tomorrow... but that tomorrow is abt my promotion or a visit abroad.... I work hrd.. but crete no new knowledge for mankind nor create something beautiful... I create a maze of 0s and 1s which are repetitive and our "Processes" make sure they have no creativity at all.

So, how am I a great creature??? I dont become great by using inventions of others... I dont become great by watching great art or listening a great music or reading a great book.... I dont become great by living in 130 ft tall building...I dont become great by working in a Great Economic System... I dont becme great by living in a great Political System... I dont become great by working on a grand software unless I design it different and something never done before or never dremt before...

Probably I belong to a new species of human being....(Homo Parasitus... One who look like humans sans the creativity and who depend on creativity of other human beings and dwell on the greatness achieved by them, things created by them, thoughts thought by them, systems made by them). And probably there are many freinds of mine co-habiting in my specie......

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